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Meet the Principal

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From the Principal

Dear Middle School Families,

Welcome to Centennial Middle School!  We are very excited to have you join us for the upcoming school year!  At our middle school we pride ourselves on creating and maintaining a safe environment where students receive the support they need and are given opportunities to be challenged across the curricular areas.  The robust course offerings and electives available at Centennial Middle School provide students with an environment that we believe is highly competitive related to the north metro schools’ offerings. 

Besides being an administrator in the Centennial School District, it has been my privilege to watch my own children participate in the rich environments available at the elementary, middle school and high school levels.  I believe that the strongest testimony I could make about the Centennial School District is that my family chose to open enroll our children here. Centennial has a rich tradition of a high graduation rate and preparations for post-graduate work as well. 

We look forward to a rewarding year ahead.  Please know in advance that we appreciate community and family participation at CMS.  It is one of the cornerstones of success for each individual learner.

With appreciation,

Principal Bob Stevens

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Bob stevens
Centennial Middle School

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